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ATSD Reference

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First, perform a normal A-Shell installation on the server, as if it were to be a standalone workstation, but select the "Custom" (rather than "Typical" or "Compact") installation option. This will, by default, select all of the optional components, of which ATS is one. When specifying the target location, there is no need to use \\machine\sharename notation or mapped drive letters, unless you will also have peer-to-peer A-Shell clients sharing the same A-Shell configuration.

You will get substantially better performance if the A-Shell directories are not part of a shared drive or folder. This is true even when all the sessions are actually running directly on the server, because even then, all disk I/O has to be cleared through the daemons responsible for managing shares.

The three main files needed for ATS (ATSD.EXE, ATSDSRV.EXE, and ATSDSRV.INI) will be installed in the same BIN subdirectory as the ASHW32.EXE, although it will not create shortcuts for them. One or more help files (in Acrobat and/or Windows compiled help format) will also be installed in the DOC subdirectory.

For production use, ATSD.EXE requires an option to be added to your A-Shell license code. In the absence of that, it will run in demo mode, forcing any A-Shell sessions connected via ATSD.EXE to run in demo mode as well.