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Minimum Margin When Maximized

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(WINDOWS/ATE) This resolves the conflicts relating to adjusting the sizing of maximized windows. The normal, default setting is 0, which means that if the number of columns divides evenly into the screen width, when maximized there will be no left or right margin at all. (This happens, for example with 800x600 and 1280x1204 at 80 columns.) On some PC's however, this may cause the first and last column(s) to be clipped (due to over scan). Previously, we just subtracted a fudge factor from the screen width to prevent this problem, but now you can just set the minimum margin parameter. The margin units are pixels, but in most cases, setting the minimum margin to just 1 pixel will actually result in a considerably larger margin since font widths generally come only in integer pixel widths. For example, in the 800x600 case, the font width would be 10 pixels at 80 columns. But if you introduce a 1 pixel margin, the font width will have to be reduced to 9, which means that 80 columns only occupies 720 pixels (leaving a margin of 40 on either side).

Note that in the Windows and ATE environments, you can increase the number of columns in the window grid to put some of the margin space to work. For example, in the 800x600 case, if the font width is going to be 9 pixels, you could increase the number of columns from 80 to 88 and still a 4 pixel margin on either side.

The margin is ignored in non-maximized mode, because in that case, first of all, over scan is not likely to be a problem, and secondly, if it were, you could just adjust the window width with the mouse.