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A-Shell Reference

Reorganized April 2024

xcall MIAMEX, MX_TELSER, port, status {,wait}

(Windows only) MX_TELSER (MIAMEX 76) allows you to turn your current A-Shell/Windows client into a telnet server for a single remote client.


port  (Num)

specifies the port number to accept the incoming connection request on.

status  (F6)

returns a code indicating the success of the operation, from the following table:






Unable to load Winsock library


Winsock 1.1+ not present


Unable to create listening socket


User abort (Ctrl+C while waiting for connection)


Wait  (Num)

may be used to specify options (combine zero or more from the following table):




Minimize window immediately and wait for connection before returning from subroutine.  (Otherwise it returns immediately with the wait operation waiting in background for the connection.)


Launch a new instance to wait for a subsequent connection upon accepting the first connection


Make waiting window totally invisible



Your session will continue to run normally until a telnet client connects; at that point, your window will be hidden and all terminal I/O redirected to the remote telnet client.

Passing 0 for the port value closes/releases any socket resources opened by a prior MX_TELSER call. This allows the operation to be cleaned up and restarted. Also, when the client disconnects, the server job reliably receives error 250.

You can restore visibility to an invisible window waiting for a connection by using SEND.LIT or SENDxs to send it a message consisting of just an exclamation point (!).