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A-Shell Reference

Updated February 2019; see History

This parameter allows control over the color used to display numeric cells with negative values:

NegFgBg={fgidx, bgidx}






By default, the foreground color is set to Red. If the above clause is added to the real column definition, or to the Pseudo Column Zero, then the specified fgidx (and optional bgidx) codes will be used to reference previously defined RGBfg or RGBbg definitions by their index codes.

For example:

COLDEF = "0~0~x~H~RGBfg=50,255,80,A~RGBbg=200,60,240,B~~1~10~Amounts~#~NegFgBg=A,B~~"

In the above case, the NegFgBg=A,B clause tells XTREE to display negative cells in the specified column using the foreground RGB color defined with index A (RGBfg=50,255,80,A) and the background color define with index B.

If the optional {,bgidx} background color is not specified, then XTREE uses the default.

If no argument is specified (i.e. NegFgBg=), then the automatic red display of negative numbers is merely disabled; in other words, negative numbers are treated just like positive numbers.

Note that unlike most other Advanced Coldef Options, NegFgBg initially only works when applied to a "zero column" (i.e. to affect all columns), as in the example shown above. See History.


2019 February, A-Shell 6.5.1655:  added the ability to apply the NegFgBg option to individual columns