EMAILX Reference > A-Shell Doc Overview


The A-Shell documentation is kept very up to date. Jack meticulously documents every change/addition/improvement to A-Shell, writes the text version of ashdevnotes, and posts it with new versions of the software. As mentioned above, you can always find the up-to-the-second release notes with the latest versions of A-Shell.

Within hours or a day or two, Ty converts the text version of ashdevnotes into a CHM version, and posts it in the same place. All the new or changed material from ashdevnotes is incorporated immediately into the applicable manual(s) of the main A-Shell doc set.

However, those new versions of the docs are not normally published immediately. Changes accumulate for a few months, and then new files are generated and posted to the web site.

If you want a current set of the docs, then just download either (a) ashref, the consolidated doc, or (b) the four individual docs described above. If you are updating your existing copies, there is unfortunately no good way to recognize the latest files other than by file date. That's why we present the docs on this unformatted page.