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A-Shell Development History


ISAM 1.0/1.1 bug fix: New logic for detecting whether an ISAM file is in the old 1.0 or new 1.1 format was failing to recognize a variation of the older format that appeared to have 255 levels. (Was aborting with an invalid # of levels error.)


Fix compiler bug introduced in 5.1.1123.5, compil edit 405; string functions without an explicit default function type were being reported as errors.


Improvements to DEFSTRUCT: Upper and lower case (or mixed case) formal structure names now allowed, and STATIC and PRIVATE instances of structures now allowed. Note that DIMX does not support structures.


XTREE bug fix: The patch in 1123.2 created an undesirable side effect of making it difficult to select the last item in some lists.


Add language enhancement Defined Structures.


Bug fix: XCALL AMOS was interfering with OPTIONS=SBX_RUNDIR. After using XCALL AMOS,"RUN XXX", the next SBX search was looking in the directory where the XXX program was loaded from, rather than the directory where the original program was loaded from.


Eventwait bug fix: When multiple dialogs contained controls with the same exitcodes associated with them, AUI_EVENTWAIT with the EVW_EXCDFOCUS and/or EVW_EXCDINOUT flags was not always selecting the control from the current dialog. (The symptom was that the focus was not going to the intended control.)


Add New XTREE coldef parameters for setting colors for special data lines.


XTREE bug fix: When the current editable cell was scrolled off the bottom with the vertical scroll bar, XTR'TARGETROW was being set one or two rows too far down, making it difficult to scroll all the way to the top (until the editable cell was moved by some other means up a few rows.)


XTREE refinements: Reduce some instances of "dancing icons", blinking title bars, and other kinds of unwanted display flashing when exiting and reentering a tree during cell editing.


GDI Printing refinement: - The //SETFONT width parameter now works more reliably with fixed pitch fonts.


INPUT RAW, INPUT LINE fix: disable the automatic removal of field-surrounding quotes from INPUT RAW and INPUT LINE (introduced in 1122.9).