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A-Shell Development History


Further adjustment to INFLD read-only mode for combo boxes.


Update internal doc 'help' links.


INFLD GUI refinement: read-only mode (TYPE |r) now applies to date and time pickers, up/down controls, and combo boxes. Previously it only worked for normal edit controls.


XTREE cell editing bug fix: exiting from a cell with both validation and a context menu exitcode was returning exitcode -7, instead of the context menu exitcode. Problem was introduced in 1359.2.


INFLD/GUI bug fix: pixel coordinates (IMXF_PIXCOORDS) were sometimes being mistaken for milli-grid units in local A-Shell/Windows mode.


TABX control cleanup fix: deleting a TABX control was failing to automatically delete internal copies of controls on saved panels. The problem only occurred when deleting the TABX control explicitly with CTLOP_DEL, rather than implicitly with TAB(-1,0), and had no obvious symptom, other than mysterious "zombie" controls showing up in the control dump.


XTREE cell-editing type-ahead refinement: characters keyboard in the interval between exiting one cell (and returning to the application for validation) and entering the next are now reprocessed in the expected order. Previously, it was likely that a character keyboarded just after entering the new cell would be processed prior to the type-ahead.


XTREE cell-editing fix: left and right arrow keys now work as expected when using Infdef=2 (exit on left arrow from left edge of field), Infdef=L (exit on right arrow from right edge of field), and Infdef=|L (exit on right arrow from anywhere in field). Note that these arrow navigation commands which are sensitive to the position of the cursor within the field are not Windows-standard and therefore not especially recommended, but are grudgingly supported for the indulgence of users unable to give up their old text-mode INFLD capabilities. The normal and preferred keyboard commands to move to the next or previous fields are TAB and SHIFT-TAB, respectively.


TABX control painting bug fix - the reinstatement of support for AUI_IMAGE images in dialogs in 1357.1 was causing painting problem with TABX controls.


Toolbar enhancement: new button attributes to improve rendering of Disabled and Hot Images.


Toolbar change: bottom toolbar is now positioned above the bottom status and session status lines, if present.


New AUI_EVENTWAIT option: EVW_ENTER (&h00400000) causes the ENTER key to return exitcode=33, instead of acting like a click on the currently focused control. This might be useful to implement a default action that was independent of the currently-focused button. Note that you can identify the currently-focused button from the returned ctlid parameter.


ATSYNC now works both as a LIT and as an XCALL.