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A-Shell Development History


XTREE bug fix: changing a checkbox cell to a blank cell (by setting the value to " " and re-entering the tree) was in some cases resulting in a numeric digit displaying in the cell instead of the cell being blank.


ATSYNC refinement: differences in the timestamp between the server and PC copy of the file are now ignored if the hash is the same. This eliminates unnecessary transfers caused by meaningless differences in the clocks between the server and client.


ATSYNC 1.3(115) enhancement: A new switch, /NOTIME, may be used to disable any use of the timestamp to decide whether the file needs to be transferred. This is now a moot point, except when the /NOHASH switch is also used, in which case the determination will be based solely on the file size. The /NOTIME switch will be ignored for ATE versions prior to 6.1.1368.1.


COPY.LIT 3.3(138) refinement: Under UNIX, COPY shells out to the cp shell command in order to preserve UNIX file copy behavior, and especially the file timestamps. In some cases, cp may report a non-zero return status suggesting an error, but the file actually copied. For example, it may not have allowed preservation of the timestamp for some reason. COPY was reporting such incidences as a failed copy; it now double-checks to see if the file was copied and if so, counts it accordingly. It also checks the timestamp and if not matching, reports the discrepancy.


AUI_CONTROL enhancement: support vertical scrolling in dialogs by setting the WS_VSCROLL (&h00200000) flag in the winstyle parameter when the dialog is created. The scroll bar is initially disabled, but is automatically enabled and configured as fields are added to the dialog that extend beyond the bottom of the visible dialog. Users can scroll the dialogs using the scroll bar. AUI_EVENTWAIT will also auto-scroll the dialog as needed to bring the newly focused control into view.


AUI_EVENTWAIT enhancement: clickable static text controls are now highlighted to indicate when they have the focus. The default highlight effect is a dotted line around the perimeter of the control. As an alternative, you can specify the new flag EVW_ULFOCUS (&h00800000), which changes the highlight effect to the combination of bold+underline. Note: PNG and GDIPLUS images are excluded from this treatment on the theory that they are amenable to a more sophisticated highlighting approach.


XTREE bug fix: using XTF2_ANSEQDATA in a non-editable dialog was resulting in the first few bytes of the answer array being overwritten on return.


XTREE bug fix: using XTF2_ANSEQDATA with physically different ansary and data arrays was resulting in a failure of the ansary to override the data array on XTROP_CREATE or XTROP_REPLACE.


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: close loophole allowing "escaped" symbols, such as %22 for a double quote, to appear in the control instead of the un-escaped character.


AUI_CONTROL enhancement: Set/Clear MBF_TABSTOP Property


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: MBF_HCENTER with text buttons (where it is theoretically redundant) was resulting in right-justification.


MBF_TOOLBAR enhancement: it is now possible to split the top and bottom toolbars into two separate toolbars so as to left justify one set of buttons and right-justify the other. Within any single toolbar, all of the buttons get justified as a group. To accomplish this, set the ecol parameter to the desired ending column (main window column grid units) for the left toolbar, and ecol to the starting column for the right toolbar. All the other coordinates should remain zero, as they do for the normal toolbar configuration. Note that to avoid a seam in the middle where the two toolbars meet, you may want to set the TBSTYLE_FLAT option in the dwstyle parameter.


AUI_CONTROL enhancement: it is now possible to use negative erow and ecol coordinates for a child control to position the bottom/right edge relative to the client area of the parent. This is particularly useful with TAB controls, where the usable panel area is reduced by the size of the labels, which may be hard to predict in advance. For example, to position an MBF_DLGNOCAP panel over nearly the entire client area of a parent tab control, leaving a 5 pixel border between the edge of the MBF_DLGNOCAP panel and the parent TABX panel, you could set the four coordinates to 5, 5, -5, -5 (and set the MBF2_PIXCOORDS flag).