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A-Shell Development History

1. New MIAME.INI file option SBR=INFLDR causes INFLD to NOT pad the returned ENTRY variable with leading spaces when the Type code R (for right justify) is used. Otherwise it returns the variable right justified, just like it displays it. The behavior of the AMOS version of INFLD has changed over the years, although currently it does not right justify the return variable, so SBR=INFLDR is needed to make the two versions act the same.


2. Fix a bug in PRINT.SBR (introduced in the last edit) which caused the HDR1 and HDR2 lines to not print.


3. Minor cleanup of a few VUE operations: CVTWARN was not stifling the DOS format warning for files that were yanked in; the MODEM, LINEINS, and CHARINS commands were not accepting the usual variety of booleans (ON/OFF, T/F, TRUE/FALSE, 0/1);


4. Preliminary release of A-Shell user-defined color definition facility. Colors for EZSPL/EZVUE, INFLD, INMEMO, VUE, and the initial screen foreground/background may now be set in the file LIB:INI.CLR:


If this file exists, it is scanned for any color definitions, which will then be used either if the application does not specify its own colors or if the first field (override) is set to "Y". ; Color Definitions ; (Color legend: 0=blk, 1=wht, 2=blu, 3=mag, 4=red, 5=yel, 6=grn, 7=cyn) ; VUECLR=override?,edit fg,edit bg, cmd fg, cmd bg, hlp fg, hlp bg, ;  status fg, status bg VUECLR=Y,5,0,6,0,3,0,1,0 ; EZCLR=override?,text fg,bg, border fg,bg, cmd fg,bg, status fg,bg, ;  help fg,bg, highlight fg,bg, menu fg,bg, brief menu fg,bg EZCLR=Y,1,3,7,0,7,3,5,0,1,0,4,0,7,0,1,6 ; INFCLR=override?,display fg,bg, edit fg,bg, negative fg,bg, ;  update fg,bg, msg fg,bg, orig msg line fg,bg, forms fg,bg INFCLR=Y,6,0,1,6,4,0,7,0,5,0,6,0,0,6 ; MMOCLR=Y,border fg,bg, text fg,bg, arrows fg,bg, prompt fg,bg, ;  status line fg,bg, protected fg,bg MMOCLR=Y,6,0,7,0,5,0,5,0,4,0,3,0 ; SCNCLR=override?,screen text (fg), screen background SCNCLR=Y,1,2


This feature is still subject to additional design work and is only being documented for the benefit of those few brave pioneers who are interested in experimenting with colorizing their application.


A sample file, CLR.NEW is now released.