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A-Shell Development History

1. (UNIX) PolyShell now gives the option of aborting the conflicting job if the requested job name (-j switch) is already in use.

2. The inability to access a RUN/LIT/SBR due to privileges is now properly reported (instead of simply saying the file was not found.)

3. INPCTL.SBR now allows 000000 for date fields, YES/NO on Y/N fields, and fixes a problem with Y/N defaulting.

4. Control-C was not aborting command line programs (problem introduced in build 830.)

5. (CE) Certain date functions were off by 2 months.

6. (UNIX) DIFF.LIT utility released.  Similar to SRCCOM (compare two source files) but uses the UNIX diff utility to do the heavy lifting, with the results displaying in EZTYP.  Usage:

.DIFF fspec1 fspec2

Source code is included in [7,376] in case you want to modify it.

7. (UNIX) ZXPWIN.LIT utility released.  This is a handy utility for use with the ZTERM terminal emulator to transfer a file to the PC and launch it using the Windows application corresponding to the specified extension. Type ZXPWIN with no arguments for details.