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A-Shell Development History

1. Increase maximum title buffer size (e.g. SET TITLE) from 80 to 160.

2. (Linux) Workaround problem with SUBMIT not working with Red Hat 6.x

3. (UNIX) Assign background jobs for the IP address. (This avoids various kinds of problems in some applications that use the IP.

4. Increase maximum filename length returned in the MIAMEX 20 & 21 functions from 34 to 120. Note that this is just the filename, not the entire path. The maximum starting directory length has been increased from 100 to 160.

5. (Linux) Workaround problem with INMEMO preload in Red Hat 6.x in which it waited for keyboard input when it shouldn't have.

6. Support timeout in menu mode, same as in normal text editing mode. (Set EXTTIM parameter in EXTCTL to number of seconds.