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A-Shell Development History


Compiler fix: compilation of DIMX in main program (not inside a function or procedure) was broken - was causing a GPF. (Introduced in 971.1).


Compiler enhancement: errors caused by attempting to use a reserved word in a map statement or parameter list now give a more specific error than merely "illegal syntax".


Runtime fix: XPUTARG now works with I variables.


Function parameters may now use the % suffix to force them to be treated as integers (I,4) instead of floating point, e.g.: Function fn'myfunc(A,B%,C$).


Runtime fix: XPUTARG was not working within a procedure if another procedure had already been called in that procedure.


AUI_EVENTWAIT fix: END was setting exitcode -45 (same as HOME) instead of -46 as it was supposed to.


XTREE adjustment: XTF_NOREDRAW with opcode 0/1 was causing the initial display to take longer than before. Now, XTF_NOREDRAW can be used with opcode 1 (replace) to load the new data top of the old data (without first clearing it), possibly reducing the "flash".


Compiler fix: FOR/NEXT statements were generating errors in /RC mode.


Runtime fix: TRACE.xxxx statements were displaying garbage in place of the $P plug-in variable (which is supposed to whose <program>).


Runtime fix: command lines and TRACE/DEBUG statements with "%" characters were causing some strange results.


STRTOK.SBR now optionally recognizes quoted arguments.


ATE: TAB(-10,23) expands "$ASHELL" (equivalent to "$ATE") into the ASHW32.EXE command line and miame.ini specification necessary to launch a child A-Shell session underneath ATE. Example:

    ? TAB(-10,23);"$ASHELL run myprog";chr(127);


Fix bug in processing the initial A-Shell command line that was causing it to get stuck in an infinite loop with command lines containing backslashes.


AUI_EVENTWAIT enhancement: When EVW_CTLARROWS flag set, CTRL+ and CTRL- return EXITCODE -62 and -61 respectively. (Note that you need to hit the + and - keys on the numeric keypad.) When EVW_CTLCLIPBD is set, CTRL Z returns EXITCODE -60.


XTREE enhancement: control boundaries will now be adjusted to the edge of the parent window of XTREE if XTREE edges were within a few pixels or were beyond the edges. Previously, the control was visually clipped, making it impossible to see the part outside the parent window (dialog). Now, if you want XTREE to stretch from the left edge to the right edge of a dialog, set the SCOL param to 1 and the ECOL param to something large enough to always go past the right edge (like 999).


COPY.LIT 3.1(126) fixes a problem with harmless but annoying "Error 256 occurred" messages under UNIX.


ATSYNC.LIT 1.0(104) now displays file transfer errors in a message box, unless the /NOERR switch is specified. Also, fix the /CONT flag (causes it to continue trying to transfer remainder of files after a transfer error.) And finally, fix a syntax parsing problem in which it didn't like certain command lines starting with a comma (i.e. default hostdir).


New Installation Setup Change: In default MIAME.INI, replace SBR=INFDEF:|G||C (GUI mode INFLD) with SBR=INFDEF:|_ (text mode, force underlines for field markers.)