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A-Shell Development History


Dialog positioning with multiple monitors: When a dialog is created using either the MBST_CENTER or MBST_MAXIMIZE state flags, it will now be positioned on the same monitor as the main window was last positioned on (or originally launched from).


MIAMEX,MX_EXITSBXX (82) in a main program was not terminating the chain sequence. If there was nothing left in the chain sequence, it was just causing the current program to be run again.


XTREE: Fix memory leak related to column-specific popup menus. If used enough, you could eventually run out of memory handles.


XTEXT: Setting xtx'protrow = -1 to protect all text in the memo was causing new text to appear with the protected background color if the memo was empty to start with.


MSGBOX: Backup out item #11 under 984.2 in which MSGBOX was reverting to text mode if PolyShell was active. Although this made sense for text mode displays, it does not make sense for GUI displays, which may be unlikely or even questionable with PolyShell, but at least now you can see the message box. And, you can still control whether the MSGBOX is GUI or text yourself, by adjusting the MX_WINSETTINGS. (This adjustment only affects the UNIX side, which is where the decision to use a GUI or text mode MSGBOX is made.)


Several fixes to XTREE image:

If the first item image wasn't found, none would load.
The image-not-found error was forcing open the debug dialog. It now logs the error but doesn't force open the dialog window.
Trees with fixed height images were display the images one item too high (out of sync with the rest of the image data)!
XTROP_REPLACE was not preserving the image display.


XTREE: Fix problem with read-only cells not setting the targetcol and xvalidate fields properly on pre-exit.


Fix data alignment problem that was intermittently causing certain ATE transfer operations to fail. One symptom was apparent failure to remember FTP login.


Fix problems related to adding menus to dialogs. In some cases, the new menu was not being drawn until some other event or a dialog refresh was forced. Also, the rule of increasing the height of the dialog by the height of the menu only for ALTPOS dialogs was not always being followed.


Increase maximum line length in printer init files from 100 to 256, to accommodate particularly long DEVICE= and COMMAND= lines.


MX_SHELLEX: Fix bug in which the ACTION$ parameter, if not specified, would not get initialized and would result in an "invalid parameter" error.


The virtual environment variables ATE, CurrentDirectory, SystemDirectory, and WindowsDirectory were not being recognized by TAB(-10,AG_GETENV). All but ATE were not being recognized either by AG_GETENV or the general filespec evaluator.


MSGBOX: Fix problem with certain flags (particularly MBICON_ICON and MBMISC_TOPMOST) causing a sign-extension problem when used with ATE, with the result being that the message box appears without the correct buttons, and often with an "invalid parameter" message inside the box.


XTREE control SftTree_IX86_A_50.dll updated from 5.0.5 to 5.0.6. Fixes a problem in which the last word in a variable height cell with word wrap was getting vertically clipped. Minor internal improvements for improved Vista compatibility also.


Fix problem with trace.print causing a memory fault when very long strings output. Messages are now truncated at about 256 characters.


Convert the MIAME directory from the mangled 8.3 format to long format before defining the MIAME and ATE environment variables.


Expand filename buffers in various places to 260 characters (from 100 to 160, depending on the situation), fixing problems with truncation of very long filenames in certain operations.


Fix problem with all controls within a dialog getting set to design mode when modifying the dialog attributes.


It is now possible to use AUI_CONTROL CTLOP_CHG with MBST_CHGALL on a dialog. Previously this would have caused all the controls on the dialog to disappear, as well as the dialog caption, to disappear.


Fix a problem with using the AG_SPOOLCFG technique for transferring files with long names to the ATE client. Note that if destination file name has no directory separators and is longer than 10.3, you should precede it with ".\" to force it to be recognized as a native filespec (and not be truncated to 10.3).


ASHUPD.LIT, which retrieves A-Shell updates, is now included with A-Shell/Windows.