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A-Shell Development History

Refinement to HTTP.SBR to allow custom headers to be added to a GET request (XHTTPF_REQGET). Previously this was only possible with the POST request type (XHTTPF_REQPOST / XHTTPF_REQUPLOAD). To specify custom headers, set the XHTTPF_HDRBODY flag and put the new headers into the request$ parameter, using chr(13) to separate multiple headers, e.g.:


request$ = "Referer:"

request$ += chr(13) + "User-Agent: A-Shell/ashnet-1.2.164"


xcall HTTP, 1, status, flags, url$, request$, response$, properties$


Note that you must specify at least 7 parameters—i.e., at least thru the properties$ parameter—even if the properties$ parameter is blank. Otherwise a more limited version of the routine will be used, which doesn't support this enhancement.

You can also put the custom headers into a file, as you would with XHTTPF_REQPOST + XHTTPF_FILEREQ + XHTTPF_HDRBODY. With the GET request, anything following the first blank line would be ignored.

Note that to examine/debug your headers, set the XHTTPF_DEBUG flag and then look at the DEBUG.LOG file on return from the XCALL.