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A-Shell Development History

This document has been prepared for the benefit of  hard core A-Shell programmers and developers, and will likely not be of interest to anyone else. It has all of the A-Shell development notes, going back to the beginnings of A-Shell in February of 1990, and is presented here for people who want to exhaustively research a topic or track all changes on a particular subject.

John Bown was the original developer of A-Shell, and he began work on A-Shell (or at least started keeping notes on his work) in February 1990. During the next few years, both he and Jack McGregor made changes to the source code. In August 1995, John moved on to other programming / business opportunities and Jack took over. Jack has been the sole developer of A-Shell since 1995.

Beginning with A-Shell version 6.3.1532 of October 2016, we added a column to indicate:

New:  This is a new fea•ture, function, command, parameter, etc. Until now this <whatever> did not exist in A-Shell.
Fix:  Bug fix, clarification or other minor improvement.
EIR or Revise: Enhancement, improvement, revision.