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A-Shell Development History


New subroutine DSKCOM.SBR provides the same service as COMMON.SBR but is disk-based.


INFLD fix/enhancement: Left and right arrow exitcodes (2 with TYPE 2, 12 with TYPE L) are now supported in non-GUI horizontal scrolling mode (i.e. when MAXCHRS > XMAX).


Flag XTF_NOZEROEX prevents XTREE from exiting with EXITCODE 0.


Set the Returned XTR'TARGETROW value to the top or bottom of the visible range of rows.


Removed the "%Warning: DIMX not AMOS compatible" message when using DIMX with the /RC compiler switch. (The warning was valid; DIMX is not AMOS compatible, so technically doesn't belong with /RC, but a certain influential A-Shell developer has offered to compensate anyone damaged by this clandestine "feature".