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A-Shell Development History

XTREE export enhancement: you may now export directly to XLS rather than tab or comma delimited, using the new PopupMenu system command:


$EXPCSV2XL is like $EXPCSV except that after creating the CSV file (which is named %TEMP%\XTREE##.CSV where ## is the job number), it calls CSV2XL.SBX to convert it to XLS. If no inispec is specified, the default INI file for CSV2XL will be XTRCSV2XL.INI (with the search patch consisting of the current ppn, [p,0], and BAS:. If no XTRCSV2XL.INI is found in any of those locations, is uses the standard BAS:CSV2XL.INI file.

If the inispec is specified (AMOS or native format, may include %ENV% vars) then is uses that filespec without any search path.

Unlike the $EXPCSV and $EXPTSV options, there is no "+" variation to open the file after creating it. Instead, this is determined by the CSV2XL initialization file Launch option.

As with the other export options, you can enable it globally by adding:


to the MIAME.INI. In the case, there is no option for the INI file, which will always be the XTRCSV2XL.INI, using the search patch specified above.