Installing INMEMO for A-Shell

Although a runtime version of INMEMO.SBR and XFRMMO.SBR are included within A-Shell, the rest of the utilities are not included. If you are just running an application that uses INMEMO, you don't need to do anything special to install INMEMO. However, if you want to develop with INMEMO under A-Shell, you need to purchase a separate INMEMO development license, just as you would for AMOS, and you can follow the instructions in this section for installing it, making the necessary adjustments for the different directory structure and operating system environment. Note, however, that the *.SBR and *.LIT files are irrelevant under A-Shell (they are embedded within the A-Shell executable) and there is nothing to load in system memory. Only Basic utilities and include files (which are released in source form) are of interest.