Testing INMEMO

You will probably want to test the operation of INMEMO before taking time to include it in existing programs. We supply two sample programs for this purpose. The first is an example of a simple file maintenance program which uses a typical memo pad, plus a selection menu memo and memo help screens. To run it:



The program performs file maintenance for a sample file. Several of the product types have already been entered and you can also try adding a few (enter a product type number of 1-20). Try out the print and search options too.

Once you have entered/edited some comment records, run the OPRMMO program to see the file usage statistics. Then try the EXPMMO program. Expand or contract the file and then verify that the comments entered in the TSTMMO program are still there. Also run the OPRMMO program again to verify that the number of free records has increased or decreased by the amount of the expansion or contraction.

The second program is called TSTNFL and contains examples of using INMEMO in no-file mode, particularly for menus, selection lists, and displays. To run it:



Neither of these programs is meant to be a model of how a program should be written, rather they are easy-to-understand examples of how you can use various INMEMO options. By comparing the source code to the behavior of the programs, you should be able resolve any questions you may have had from reading this manual.