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Leo problem with XTREE

Posted By: Jack McGregor

Leo problem with XTREE - 15 Feb 10 01:12 PM

When I click on the XTREE button in the Controls dialog (to create an XTREE control), Leo crashes with the error:

?File not found at location counter 6F5 of LEO.RUN

This is LEO.RUN 3.4(1)

Looking at the ashlog, the real error seems to be:


15-Feb-10 11:07:23 [JACKT400:01-1] Trapped Basic Error #24 at location counter 337C
15-Feb-10 11:07:23 [JACKT400:01-1] System Error Log: C errno:183, last instr:0x1b, host OS error:5, DDB error:11, mode:2, chan:33
15-Feb-10 11:07:23 [JACKT400:01-1] >>Permission denied (c:\xtree.txt)
It doesn't surprise me that it doesn't have permission to write c:\xtree.txt (Vista), which I'm assuming to be a temporary file of some kind. The question is: what determines the location of this file, and can I change it?
Posted By: Jorge Tavares - UmZero

Re: Leo problem with XTREE - 15 Feb 10 02:58 PM

Updating LEO will solve this, now, this file is created under %temp% folder.

As an aside, besides an initial effort, a long time ago, to make LEO capable to generate code for handling XTREE's, which I guess it does, it became a sort of unfinished project so, I'm not sure if the produced results will be enough good.
Anyway, if you plan to give this a chance, I'm sure you will come up with good ideas, as it was with the initial model for LEO generated code and, I'll be happy to make any adjustment.
Posted By: Jack McGregor

Re: Leo problem with XTREE - 17 Feb 10 04:10 PM

Thanks for the update, which certainly solves the issue reported. As for the question of whether it is practical for LEO to really be able to manage a monster like XTREE, that remains to be studied.

I must admit that I was really just curious to see how it fit the XTREE into the overall scheme of the gen file. My immediately plan is for a tree whose characteristics are data-driven at runtime, which of course means that no matter what, I'm going to have to handle most of the details in the non-generated code. In fact, it may just be sufficient to put a frame control on the form in the place where the XTREE would go, just to determine the coordinates, and handle everything else manually. I guess the one thing that the generated code could do which would be helpful is to call the pre- and post- processing routines at the right time.

I'll let you know if I come up with any good ideas.
Posted By: Stephen Funkhouser

Re: Leo problem with XTREE - 17 Feb 10 05:21 PM


As a fellow LEO user, here's my take on XTREE in LEO.

The generated code for an XTREE the last time I checked was really just a XCALL,AUI,MBF_BUTTON. I use it for coordinate positioning, and to see what the overall dialog will look like, but I check the "Control not Generated" checkbox on the control properties dialog. There is a glitch in LEO saving and reloading the "Control not Generated" flag for XTREE's, so I have to make sure it's checked every time I open a LEO file and generate a .gen file.

I handle the XTREE code in a separate .bsi include file. Mainly because I can define the XTREE variables as private, as well as, being able to re-use the same XTREE sometimes on multiple dialogs. Plus if LEO does later support XTREE code generation of some sort it'll be easier to regenerate the LEO program file.
Posted By: Jack McGregor

Re: Leo problem with XTREE - 18 Feb 10 05:52 PM

That sounds about like what I was expecting. Thanks for the tips.
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