Hey Bob still there??? Hope all is good with semi-retirement... wink

We still use .ago files under linux to send insurance files to carriers.

This has been an issue since day 1 and it keeps getting placed on the back burner, but i was at a site recently and witnessed how bad it looked, so i want to take a second go of it.

In our script file, knowing we are in linux, i try to not use any amos native syntax... However, i do use XY commands. XY=0 which clears the screen, XY 10 1 which places the cursor all work. However, XY=10 does not work, causing the script to write all over itself on the screen. I can add XY=0 all over to just clear it, and I may still do that, but i want to know if there is another alternatice to XY=10, or why it may not be working.

In this most recent case, we are under AM75G drivers, copied from am62a.
