This is a follow-up question on Jorge's excellent presentation on Power BI at the last Conference.

I'm once again looking into options for generating graphs suitable both for integration into an application and for emailing. Power BI Desktop now supports publish to PDF, so that seems reasonably ideal. (I'd rather have a simple PNG which could then be embedded directly into an A-Shell dialog, but shelling out to the PDF viewer would be acceptable.)

The obstacle is how to programmatically force Power BI to launch, refresh a graph, publish to PDF, and then exit so that the application can pick up the PDF and do something further with it.

I can't seem to find any simple reference to the command line options, and although I can find blogs talking about this, mostly it's people wondering (like me) how to do it.

Any ideas, or for that matter, comments/suggestions on creating simple graphs under application control much appreciated!
