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Revised and revised April 2024

xcall MIAMEX, MX_MKPATH, dirspec, status

xcall MIAMEX, MX_RMPATH, dirspec, status

MX_MKPATH (MIAMEX 38) creates a new native operating system directory. MX_RMPATH (MIAMEX 39) deletes the specified native directory.


dirspec  (String)  [in]

the directory name. This should be in native file format, but may include embedded environment variables (e.g. %miame%\newdir).

status  (Integer)  out

will return 0 for success, else an error number. You may use MX_ERRNOMSG to translate the error number to a text message.


MX_MKDIR will be invoked automatically if this function is requested under Windows. Therefore, it may be best to always use MX_MKPATH in your application and let A-Shell decide when to convert it to MX_MKDIR. The exception would be if your application which is running on a server (with ATE clients) wants to explicitly create a directory on the ATE client. In this case, you must use MX_MKDIR and set the remoteflag parameter to "R."

Note that this function supports embedded environment variables, e.g.:


In general this function will not succeed if the parent directory doesn't already exist.

See Also